Últimos días de vacaciones.
El lunes se acabó, empiezan las jornadas intensivas de estudio. Cómo mucho iré algún día a la playa o a la piscina, pero poco más. Ya no podré despertarme sin despertador ni acostarme muy tarde leyendo o saliendo con los amigos. Ya toca volver a la realidad, a mi realidad en la que todo gira en torno a los estudios. La verdad que este año he disfrutado bastante de mis vacaciones y tengo ganas y fuerzas para empezar a estudiar, espero que me duren hasta el final, allá por el 16 de septiembre... se ve tan lejos y queda tan poco...
Hoy y mañana intentaré sacarle el máximo partido posible a los días y sobretodo, DISFRUTAR!!
Last days of vacation.
Monday is over, begin intensive days of study. How much will one day go to the beach or the pool, but little else. I can never wake up without waking up too late or reading or going out with friends. Now turn back to reality, my reality in which everything revolvesaround the school. Actually this year I quite enjoyed my vacation and I have desire andstrength to start studying, I expect to last until the end, back in September 16 ... it looks so far and have so little ...
Today and tomorrow I will try to get the most possible days and above all, ENJOY!
Monday is over, begin intensive days of study. How much will one day go to the beach or the pool, but little else. I can never wake up without waking up too late or reading or going out with friends. Now turn back to reality, my reality in which everything revolvesaround the school. Actually this year I quite enjoyed my vacation and I have desire andstrength to start studying, I expect to last until the end, back in September 16 ... it looks so far and have so little ...
Today and tomorrow I will try to get the most possible days and above all, ENJOY!